Philip Havens Technology LLC

Philip Havens Technology LLC website design and development New Hartford CT
15 Highview Terrace
New Hartford, CT 06057

To make the right website investment, start with the very best review of your business plans and goals. At Philip Havens Technology, our mission is to help local small business owners grow their impact by connecting them to the people that they serve. To do this requires a high level of attention to detail, a thorough understanding of a business’ goals and objectives, and also a diagnostic curiosity that helps uncover potential conflicts in goals, requirements, and priorities.

Philip Havens Technology always takes a closer look. We scrutinize everything with you — from the mission statement to the status of existing web content — and help educate you throughout the entire process. With a website investment of any size, business owners can’t afford to be in the dark regarding the development methodology.

Philip Havens Technology provides thorough, objective and definitive analysis to help you make your most-informed, best-educated website design decisions.

Check out some answers right here for some frequently asked questions.

Here is a portfolio of some recent projects. Satisfied customers can provide the best references.

Give us a call today!