L. Wastewater System Reports and Maps

  1. Rules and Regulations for New Hartford Wastewater System (Available at Town Hall)
  2. Map of New Hartford Wastewater Collection System (Available at Town Hall)
  3. Daily Monitoring Reports and Nitrogen Reports to CTDEEP (Available at Town Hall)
  4. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit
  5. Wastewater System Asset Summary
  6. Operation and Maintenance Manual for WWTP - CDM (Available at Town Hall)
  7. Extension Analysis - February 2015
  8. Wastewater Design and Operations for Critical Unit Operations (Available at Town Hall)
    8.1 Fluidyne SBR – Volume 1
    8.2 Fluidyne SBR – Volume 2
    8.3 Nova Disk Filters
    8.4 UV Disinfection System
    8.5 SBR Troubleshooting Guide
  9. Facility Plan Report – CE MacGuire (Available at Town Hall)
  10. Wastewater Monthly Reports to WPCA (Available at Town Hall)