Fall and Winter Seasons Information

During the fall and winter seasons, it is especially important to keep catch basin tops clear in order to allow water to drain properly. Leaves, debris or snow/ice buildup on a catch basin interferes with the catch basin's ability to function properly.  Maintaining a clear top will aid in proper water flow and lessen the likelyhood of a water back up to occur. The Highway Crew attempts to clear catch basins on a regular basis, but they appreciate any assistance the public can provide. If you notice catch basins that are not cleared, please take a moment to notify the town garage at 860-379-0351 or call Town Hall ( First Selectman's Office) at 860-379-3389.

Snow removal along town roads is divided into routes, with one driver responsible for maintaining the roads within his assigned area.  Major roads and collector roads are priority and are cleared more frequently than side roads.  It is extremely important to keep the roads with the heaviest traffic volume well taken care of.  Side roads and roads with lower traffic volume are attended to as needed.  An average route takes 4 hours to fully complete the circuit ( this includes 'back and forth travel time' to sand/salt storage areas to re-fill sanders).

During the winter months, please keep in mind that it is the homeowner's responsibility to keep the area in front of your mailbox clear. The post office will not deliver mail if access is not provided.

There are occasions when a mailbox may suffer damage during snow removal efforts  If your mailbox damage is caused by direct contact with the plow blade, the town will replace the box and/or post as necessary.  This replacement may not be immediate and you may need to have the post office "hold" your mail until the replacement can be completed.  Boxes and posts will be replaced with standard equipment; custom boxes are not replaced with same.   Please do not assume that the driver is aware that your mailbox was damaged, you need to call town hall at 860-379-3389 to report the loss.  Many boxes and posts are damaged as a result of the weight of the snow as it comes off of the blade.  Many posts are weakened over time and the weight of the snow is too much for the post to handle; this is considered a "hazard of winter" and homeowners are responsible for the replacement.  (scroll down for mailbox installation diagram)

Please do not place your garbage cans/recycling bins in the roadway during inclement weather.  This can interfere with proper snow removal.

If you have a concern with the snow removal procedure in your neighborhood, please call the Town Hall at (860) 379-3389 and discuss this with the First Selectman.

Mail Box Policy

Mail Box Installation